Get a Dumpster Rental Quote

Fort Wayne Dumpster Rental has been delivering quotes to area residents for years. You can either contact Fort Wayne Dumpster Rental directly at 260-440-3117 or use the form below to request a quote via email. Our customer service representatives will discuss your impending project with you and generate a quote that is not only affordable, but also very accurate.

After submitting your price quote request, one of our customer service representatives will respond within 24 hours.

When you receive a price quote, Fort Wayne Dumpster Rental delivers it in a flat-rate form. This price includes the delivery and pickup of your roll off dumpster rental, the disposal of all your unwanted materials and the taxes associated with removing waste. Flat-rate pricing is not only for the convenience of our customers, but also makes it easier to see the full cost of the rental upfront.

What to Look for in a Dumpster Rental Quote in Fort Wayne

  • Dumpster Size: As the capacity of our dumpsters increases, so does the price associated with them. It may seem more affordable to rent a lower capacity roll off container, but if you do not have enough space for your waste then it can become much more expensive. Renting the appropriate size dumpster is essential to getting the best price.
  • Delivery: The price of delivery is included in Fort Wayne Dumpster Rental’s rates. However, if the customer’s location is unable to have a dumpster rental properly placed on it, then the customer will be subject to a “Trip Fee”.
  • Loading the Dumpster: This is the biggest contributing factor when it comes to price. It is not only important to adhere to Fort Wayne Dumpster Rental’s list of prohibited materials, but also to ensure you do not exceed the weight limit of your specific size dumpster. Please be mindful of overfilling, overloading and restricted materials to avoid additional charges.
  • Rental Length: Fort Wayne Dumpster Rental allows for a 7-10 day rental from the day it was dropped off. We do not automatically pick up the dumpster or require customers to schedule a pickup date.
  • Dumpster Pickup: Very similar to delivery, not providing ample room to maneuver and pick up the roll off dumpster rental will result in a trip fee. Please keep your location clear for the entire rental period to avoid any issues.